This is the forth and final blog post in a series on utilizing dictation in the writing process. The first post addressed the benefits of dictation and the second focused...
Grief and loss go hand in hand. Anytime we experience loss, grief will be present. Grief takes on different forms and different intensities. We experience intense grief following the death...
We learned why it’s important to grieve in the first blog post in this series on grief. Now we look at the practical nature of grief and answer the question:...
This is the third post post in a four-part series on utilizing dictation in the writing process. The first post addressed the benefits of dictation. The second post emphasized helpful...
I have experienced a lot of transition recently and it has provided me with some time to reflect on the last few decades of my life. Each decade could be...
This first blog post in a series on grief analyzes 5 reasons grief is necessary on our pathway to change instigation. Grief is a normal human reaction to loss in...
I tried to lose 10 pounds this last year to no avail. Nothing I did worked. I ate less, exercised more, ate more protein, and ate fewer carbs. No matter...
This is the second blog post in a four-part series on using dictation in your writing process. The first post of this series looked at the benefits of dictation. In...
This is the first in a four-part series on utilizing dictation in the writing process. A few years back, I came across a solution that forever how I write. I...
Divorce stinks. Regardless of how you feel about your marriage, walking through a divorce is painful for everyone involved. Although my divorce was a catalyst for change, it was also...